Charles Willard Strawn
On Monday January 9, 2006 at 5:08 a.m. PST, Charles Willard Strawn (aka "Will") was born. Will was 22 inches long and weighed 9 pounds and .5 ounces. We named him Charles Willard to honor both our Dads (named Charles) and because Willard is a family name that is passed down in my family (Scott Willard Strawn).
The birthing process was pretty sureal and also awesome. Cambra had to be induced and little Will had the cord wrapped through his underarm and around his shoulder/neck which made for several instances where his heartbeat decelerated significantly. Ultimately, they had to use a vacuum to help get him out. Cambra was awesome. She went five hours or so of labor with no epidural before she relented. Induced labor is always longer and stronger....I was ready for her to get it before she was. She is my hero.
Anyway, all is well at home. We are working on adjusting and Cambra is doing well. More to come.
Let me be the first to say (on this blog anyway) CONGRATULATIONS!
From another former Sterlingite...congrats! You're going to be a great dad, Scott.
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