Friday, December 16, 2005

Almost There

Wow, we are almost here. T-minus fourteen days until the due date for our son. Of course, the due date is really only a mid point in a 21 day range of time where 99% of babies are born. So, instead of saying our due date is December 28, we should really be saying that our due date is December 28 +/- 10 days. But I'm not a math freak or anything.

Everything seems ready to go. All of our classes are completed (we finished our child birth class Tuesday), we have everything bought, our car seat and our travel bags are being prepared, and the house is clean. We need to do some laundry and buy a few minor things, but everyting is pretty much a green light. Well, except we have yet to agree on a complete name. Stay tuned to Dad was Right for an official announcement/release of our son's name.

I tell people I am not afraid or fearful of the upcoming child. I am apprehensive. I don't know how I can do all of the things I want to do. How can I be fully present at work (where I will be working only half time the upcoming quarter-SCU paternity leave policies rock), fully present as a Dad with a baby needing diapers changed and fed 12-14 times a day, and fully present as a husband to my poor wife who will be starving for adult contact and conversation while she goes through the biggest transition of her life right in the middle of the worst tsunami of hormonal changes she will ever face. Yea right. On top of that, I will be expected to be chef and custodian extraordinare. And, it's not like I am mister present at work, at home, and with my wife all of the time right now. How is this all possible? It's not. How can all of this work? It won't.

And I am ok with that.

It's not like we'll be totally alone. We will have visits from Cambra's mom, aunt, and brother. My mom and dad are coming out. We have friends and neighbors. Things we'll be fine. Things will be different, but things will work out. Sure, the house might be a little dirty and we might eat a lot of takeout, but we'll make it through just fine.

On a more important note (the nature of which brings to light my ability to be fully "present" at all times) Go Bucks! Kick the crap out of those dome heads from Notre Dame!


At 4:36 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

Go Bucks- Great article at


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